When you are working on a project, it\’s tempting to jump in and immediately start to code, but what about others that need to know how to setup and get your codebase running? This could be your coding bootcamp instructor that needs to help you troubleshoot, someone that wants to contribute via an open source workflow, or an Engineering Manager …
Fall live workshops start today!
Today at 6p et our first live workshop launches on https://www.metadevgirl.com focused on setting up the repository for your Github personal domain url. Launch Your Personal Github Pages Website (live Sept 6 @ 6p et) Technical & soft skills to grow as a Software Engineer by Jeseekia Vaughn – Sr. Software Engineer, Developer Educator & Aspiring ML Ph.D. MetaDevGirlJeseekia Vaughn …
Leveraging Github as Your Technical Portfolio
It doesn\’t take very long to hear \”git\” and/or \”Github\” after taking the dive into the realm of software development. While it takes time to progress in your expertise with git as your version control tool, Github has some features you can use to start your portfolio on day 1 (or day 1001) of your journey. Level 1: Github Profile …
️ Managing Up to Manage Your Career
What do you do when you realize you\’re not advancing in your career or your manager doesn\’t understand how to help you grow? You can take matters into your own hands with these practical tips on setting goals, managing expectations, and coaching your managers on how best to coach you through advancement. During the Pluralsight link/ event in April 2023, …
️ What I wish I knew as a Junior Software Developer
In Episode 1 of the Crawl, Walk, Run Podcast, I want to talk about the best tips and things I would do again or wish I did differently to grow as an entry-level developer.
From Bootcamp to Software Engineer: 4 tips from 4 years
My journey into tech was not a straight path by any means. Originally a vocal performance major, I eventually discovered STEM careers and realized Engineering was the field my heart had been searching for. So beginning my senior year, I transferred from the College of Fine Performing and Communication Arts into the College of Engineering. Unlike many Engineerings students, I …