About Jeseekia

Jeseekia Vaughn also known as MetaDevGirl is a Software Engineer and Coding Bootcamp Instructor that knows firsthand what it’s like to launch and grow a career in software without a Computer Science degree.

After getting her initial start in freelance Frontend Web Development through self-teaching and attending coding workshops, she expanded to Fullstack Engineering after completing a Java Bootcamp in 2016.

Although she got a tremendous amount of fulfillment out of solving problems as a Software Engineer for various startups, she felt an obligation to remove friction for others on a similar journey. For her that included teaching with and leading tech education non-profits for adults as well as mentoring youth interested in the field.

Jeseekia has previously worked as a Software Engineer building web applications, microservices, and cloud-based vehicle connectivity APIs and IoT integrations.

A few things you\’ll find her doing currently:

  • Teaching courses in Fullstack Software Development with JavaScript and Python for New York University, University at Buffalo, and North Carolina State University
  • Leading initiatives like the Girl Develop It annual Hackathon as a Board Member or teaching Python and JavaScript
  • Producing the Hacking With The Homies Developer Conference as a co-founder of Detroit Black Tech
  • Livestreaming my transition from Software Engineer to Machine Learning Engineer and Researcher
  • Hosting a weekly series of tech podcasts live on YouTube and Twitch
  • Building MVPs for non-tech founders with TechTown Detroit

About this publication

MetaDevGirl is an independent publication launched in August 2023 by Jeseekia Vaughn. If you subscribe today, you\’ll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it’s available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and supports the launch of MetaDevWorld courses and resources. Thank you!

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