From Melodies to Machine Learning: My Journey as a Developer (and the 10 Tips I Learned Along the Way)

From juggling freelance gigs as a student to navigating the complex orchestra of a large-scale company...I'm excited to share the knowledge I've gathered along the way. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your coding odyssey, I hope these 10 tips will help you rock your developer journey:

From Melodies to Machine Learning: My Journey as a Developer (and the 10 Tips I Learned Along the Way)
Photo by Lucas Alexander / Unsplash

From Melodies to Machine Learning: My Journey as a Developer (and the 10 Tips I Learned Along the Way)

Hey everyone, Jeseekia here, also known as MetaDevGirl! In this blog, I'll be sharing the adventures (and misadventures) of my dev journey, along with some hard-won wisdom I've picked up along the way.

My story isn't your typical "prodigy coder" tale. As I mentioned in my previous blog I started out in the world of music, chasing vocal performance dreams. But somewhere between belting high notes and mastering scales, I realized something was missing. The logic, the problem-solving, the sheer creativity of building something from scratch – that's what ignited my soul. So, I took a huge leap, traded sheet music for syntax, and dove headfirst into the world of software development.

It definitely wasn't always smooth sailing. My initial C++ was by far the most confusing experience I've had to date. So much so I swore off coding forever even though I got a B+ in the class!

But then I found Girl Develop It, a community of amazing women developers who became my cheerleaders, my mentors, my sanity savers. They showed me that coding wasn't just about lines of code; it was about creativity, collaboration, and belonging.

From juggling freelance gigs as a student to navigating the complex orchestra of a large-scale company, my developer journey has been a whirlwind of experiences. I've learned the hard way (and through many self-inflicted occurrences of burnout), but I've also tasted the sweet satisfaction of building something meaningful, line by line.

Now, I'm excited to share the knowledge I've gathered along the way. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your coding odyssey, I hope these 10 tips will help you rock your developer journey:

1. Find your focus: Master one area or language before spreading yourself too thin. Think of it like learning one instrument before tackling an entire symphony.

2. Transferable concepts are your friends: Learn one framework well – its principles can be applied to others, just like mastering scales in one key opens doors to other melodies.

3. Build your foundation: Algorithms, data structures, and object-oriented programming are your musical theory. Don't skip these fundamentals – they'll make you a coding rockstar!

4. Practice makes perfect (and fun!): Code challenges, personal projects, and open-source contributions are your jam sessions. Get out there and experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them.

5. Network and collaborate: Don't be a solo coder! Connect with other developers, share knowledge, and form your own developer band. Together, you can create amazing things.

6. Communication is key: Whether you're explaining complex code to a non-techie or jamming with your developer crew, clear communication is essential. So, hone your communication skills and make sure everyone's on the same page (or musical score).

7. Don't be afraid to ask for help: Even the most experienced developers get stuck sometimes (i.e. all the time). Don't hesitate to reach out for guidance from mentors, communities, or online forums. Remember, there's no shame in admitting you need a little help to hit the right note.

8. Continuous learning is your mantra: The tech world is constantly evolving, so never stop learning. Embrace new technologies, stay up-t0-date with trends, and keep your coding skills sharp. Think of it like expanding your musical repertoire – always be adding new songs to your playlist!

9. Give back to the community: Share your knowledge, mentor others, and contribute to open-source projects. Remember, the developer community thrives on collaboration and giving back. So, pay it forward and help others find their coding harmony.

10. Embrace the "Crawl Walk Run" approach: Don't try to write a concerto on your first day. Start with basic concepts, build upon them with practice, and eventually, you'll be composing complex code like a pro. Remember, every developer starts somewhere, so be patient, persistent, and enjoy the journey.

I'm excited to share more stories, tips, and insights in the blogs, courses and podcast episodes to come. So, grab your headphones, crank up the coding tunes, and join me on this adventure. Until next time, happy coding!

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on YouTube, Twitch, and LinkedIn for even more developer goodness! And check out the podcast episode that inspired this post if you want to hear more about "What I wish I knew as a Junior Software Developer".

🎙️ What I wish I knew as a Junior Software Developer
In Episode 1 of the Crawl, Walk, Run Podcast, I want to talk about the best tips and things I would do again or wish I did differently to grow as an entry-level developer.