When you are working on a project, it\’s tempting to jump in and immediately start to code, but what about others that need to know how to setup and get your codebase running? This could be your coding bootcamp instructor that needs to help you troubleshoot, someone that wants to contribute via an open source workflow, or an Engineering Manager …
Leveraging Github as Your Technical Portfolio
It doesn\’t take very long to hear \”git\” and/or \”Github\” after taking the dive into the realm of software development. While it takes time to progress in your expertise with git as your version control tool, Github has some features you can use to start your portfolio on day 1 (or day 1001) of your journey. Level 1: Github Profile …
Git and Github Fundamentals
This live workshop covers git fundamentals especially for beginners to O.S.S. contributions. See more about GitHub-flavored markdown here.
Launch Your Personal Github Pages Website
This live workshop will cover setting up Github and creating the repository for your personal domain. Hover over the video for controls including full screen and video quality settings. Feel free to leave comments below if you have questions during the event or after! If you want to see more about optimizing your Github profile check out the blog here: …
️ Leveraging Git & GitHub as Your Technical Portfolio
Crawl, walk, run Podcast Episode In this episode I\’m going to break down the key features of GitHub you should be using as a Software Developer to highlight your technical skills including how to set up a free website for yourself.
️ Using Open Source Software to Jumpstart Your Software Developer Career
Hacking With The Homies Episode 1